
Thursday, September 3, 2020

Year 11 composing blog

 What type of song are you composing? I am composing a song about heart-break :(

You working alone or as a group?  I am working as a solo

Which part of the composition are you writing first? The lyrics then I will make a chord progression

What are you working this week? finish writing lyrics and start doing chord progression and melody

Tuesday, September 1, 2020



What i like? nothing

What I Dont like? Everything

Finish with: How do you like it? Is there any feedback?
i like none

Tuesday, August 25, 2020


 Why di8d you choose the song? I choose the song because I like it it's kinda lit and the sound is good

Are you happy with the performance of it? No because I messed up a lot :(

What did you find challenging about the piece? performing under many people

performance goal for solo 2? do better

Wednesday, August 12, 2020


 The work can be mostly described as a crisis mostly because of how the pictures depict a modern crisis for youth and how it deeply affects' one mind. It can also be seen as an identity crisis because of how it mostly illustrates an imbalance of knowledge in knowing one's true self.

We can see that the series of the works can be seen as something that portrays a certain image or story that creates a specific emotion

                         IMage here

Three points:

The arrangement of the work can affect the story that the artist is trying to portray
Connecting the series of work to each other can create a story 
The artworks in the board should be placed in a certain position

Monday, July 27, 2020

Art Update

My kaupapa is environment i wanted to show how our environment has a hidden story behind its beauty.

insert photo here

We can see that there is a moon I am trying to add works into my board 


What went well?
We can see that the moon is drawn is just as fine
What did not went well
While doing the watercolor I am not satisfied with my work
What is your next step?
continue to work