
Monday, February 22, 2021

Philosophies of the self

 The self could mean your own identity and what makes you who you are. Personality and soul are what builds a person's self-identity and knowing your own is what makes you a real "person".  Plato's concept of the self consists of what makes a true self of a human is a rational soul. For a person to have a real self-identity is to have a soul as it is the highest form of cognition from Plato's concept. As we die the soul separates from our body. The body will rot but the soul will live on. A rational soul will continue to live through other people's memories as its deeds will continue to be remembered. But a body without a soul is already dead as an empty shell is nothing without its contents. 

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Ship Of Theseus

 1.  The ship of Theseus raises a question of whether it still the same after it changes its wood. It is a philosophical identity that raises the question of whether an object that has changed its components will still be the same even if its form has not been changed.

2.  Is the ship still the same after things have been changed? In a case yes, Because the form of the ship has been kept. It is not about the individual components that make up the boat but rather its whole form. In scenario 1 the wood is being changed piece by piece. We can relate this as being restoring the ship and making it sturdier instead of replacing the whole thing. Making it still the same after components have been changed. 

3.  We can relate this to changing your appearance. If you grew a beard you will still be the same person.


Monday, February 15, 2021




I have chosen cityscapes as my theme

My Corporate is a music label :)