
Thursday, September 5, 2019

How to create a mummy

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Steps on how to create a mummy

mummy is a body of a dead human or animal that has been ceremonially preserved by removing all the organs and wrapping it in a bandage

Step 1: removing the organs

 The body was placed in a table and they began to remove the organs from the body except for the heart or the. They then remove the brain from the nose for so they thought that the thoughts came to the brain. They then cut a hole near the tummy to remove all the internal organs including the intestine and the stomach. After removing all the organs they then put it into canopic jars

Step 2: The body was washed with wine and then covered with natron salt

After removing all the body parts from the body they then covered it with wine and spices. They then covered the corpse with natron salt and they let it sit ion 70 days. The natron salt was put to furthermore preserved the body

Step 3: The body was covered with line bandages
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After the 40 days, They stuff it with linen or sand to give it a human shape. Then after 70 days they then wrap the body with linen from head to toe. They put liquid resin and sawdust to glue the linen over the body. Amulets were then placed between the layers of the bandages. These amulets have different meanings like the ankh for life. Then they put onion in the mummies' hand for health The process of all the wrappings took 15 days.

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Last step: They put the mummy in a sarcophagus

after all the process they then now put the mummy in a sarcophagus. Pharaohs in mummies were put in a sarcophagus

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