
Thursday, November 21, 2019


My ideal world is can be achieved easily. Where kids played with clean land and free country. Whereas people will have clean water to drink and the scarcity of food will no longer exist. Famine from around the world will no longer be an issue. Nuclear powerhouses will discard of they're weapons and unite as one. Where we don't have countries that divide us people. Where we speak the same language and there will be no more discrimination against another race. Where wars were just a thing of a past and will be think as a barbaric and uncivilized way of solving a problem. Whereas we passed our world to the next generation. My ideal world is easy to achieve if working together is present


myths and legends

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Mythical creature


It is a vampire-like creature that is native in the Philippines. It is a blood-sucking or man-eating creature. It’s usually depicted as female, The word manananggal comes from the Tagalog word means to remove or to separate in this case “one who separates itself”. Because of the manananggal’s ability to separate itself from the lower body. The manananggal also appeared in a lot of Filipino blockbuster films like “scary mother” which film in 2017. The myth of manananggal is popular in the Visayas region. Places like Bohol,
Iloilo or Capiz vary tons of receipts or evidence to prove that the manananggal is real. But the existence of the manananggal has not been approved yet by scientists. But still, a lot of the people in the Philippines still believe in this folklore creature. We shouldn’t be scared of any mythical creatures.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Treaty Research


Thursday, October 31, 2019

Maori and European population changes

1. What does the graph show us?
           -The graph shows us how the population of Maori and Europeans has changed throughout the centuries. The population of Maoris has dropped from a hundred thousand in 1836 to only twenty-five thousand in 1901. Even though the number of population of Maori in New Zealand dropped, The population of Europeans in New Zealand booms. From only to a hundred in 1836 to seven-hundred nine-ty thousand in 1901. This causes Europeans to become the dominant population in New Zealand up until today.

2. Why do you think the number of Maoris changed?
           -Since the Europeans came to new Zeland trough a ship this causes the Maoris to get sick of the unknown diseases to Maori like common cold since there is no treatment of common cold in New Zealand at that time this causes them to die off. Another reason why the population of Maoris decreased is because of muskets. The Europeans traded muskets for food. Muskets are a powerful weapon that helps to conquer other villages to increase their mana. a lot of Maoris died because of the Maori civil war.

3. Why do you think the numbers of Europeans changed?
          - When the Europeans came to New Zealand they were amazed by Maori females so they take them and had a little fun with them this causes them to get pregnant. Another reason that the Population of Europeans in New Zealand has increased is because a lot of people were migrating to New Zealand to build a new life there and find a new opportunity to start a new life

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


Ko Mt. arayat toku maunga
Ko Philippine Sea toku moana
Ko Angat river toku awa
Ko airplane toku waka
Ko Bulacan toku rohe
Ko Flor Ko Tirso toku iwi
Ko Jhun Ko Riezah toku hapu
Ko Jc toku ingoa

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The little mermaid

Fate will happen and you can’t do anything to change it.
At any time or any place, history will only repeat itself.
You can’t change it even though the memories of the past have been forgotten.
Destiny will find a way to keep fate from happening again and again. 

Somehow destiny is quite odd how could my fate be in love with a
human whilst I was a mermaid. Every adult mermaid will grow legs on
the land and our tails will then grow back in the water. It was then when I was just
little that I have fallen in love in a human boy.

It was on the sea when I first saw him. A little boy drowning.
He’s breathing is becoming shorter and shorter by second. 

Monday, October 21, 2019

Volcano Research

Image result for mt pinatubo
Mt Pinatubo

 - Pinatubo is located in Zambales, the Philippines
it is located at the trip point boundary of philippine provinces of Zambales, Tarlac, and Pampanga at the center of the northern island Luzon. 

Image result for mt pinatubo eruption
-  It is an active stratovolcano. A stratovolcano is a volcano that is built up of alternate layers of lava and ash 

Image result for mt pinatubo lahar
- Mt Pinatubo last erupted on June 15, 1991, it is by far the most destructive volcanic eruption that has happened in the Philippines. It was also the largest terrestrial volcanic eruption that has happened in the 20th century. The eruption was then complicated by an incoming typhoon. Typhoon Yunya brings a more lethal mix of ash and rain.

-The type of eruption in Mt Pinatubo is explosive and it affected tons of people that are living nearby the volcano. it is clustered by 6-12 eruptions.

-The eruption produced speed avalanches and lahars. A cloud of volcanic ash hundreds of miles across these lahars eaten tons of structures and destroyed many houses. the people that were affected by the eruption took years to recover from the lahars. there were at least 200,000 people that were left homeless after this event. 350 people died from either the eruption of the lahars. The total death toll counts at least 722 deaths. the eruption history of the volcano is unknown that's why there is not much knowledge back then about the volcano.


-Something to believe in
-to be different
-to bring people together
-it creates order

Maori and British
-That there is someone that created them
-They still believe in higher someone
They sing songs

-Language barrier
-They both might have  god that the other doesnt

Friday, September 27, 2019


1. Research

We researched how to design boats and a wind racer we research many things

2. Designs

We made designs and our boat is triangle-shaped.

3. Build

We build a wind racer

4. Test
- it didn't work

5. Redesign/ Make changes

- our boat didn't work so we made a new design and it kinda worked

6. Test

it didn't work

7. Evaluate

- it didn't worked

Thursday, September 26, 2019


What sequence or routine is your video sharing?
- In the video, I will be doing the trampoline

Why did you choose this sequence?
- it's easier to do and manageable for my body to do it

Do you think you have improved ion this sequence?
- Yes

How did you improve
- my friend said that I improved :)

Wednesday, September 18, 2019


What was the exhibition about
-it is about tech and change

Which classes made the change
-BU and HH

What did you make in the exhibition
-poster on hieroglyphics

Talk about how Mr. Sutton opened the exhibition
-He talks about our hardworks

One fact I learned from the exhibition
- the food is delicious ion ancient Rome

my favorite display was the food
Because it was delicious

Monday, September 9, 2019


1. What is your presentation about?
       -My presentation is about my culture

2. Which part of your work are you proud of?
 - Everything

3. Was there any challenge?

4. Would you do anything differently next time

Friday, September 6, 2019

Relation of force to mass and acceleration

Image result for how is force related to mass and acceleration
if forces are unbalanced then there is an acceleration it's either that
the acceleration depends directly on upon the net force or
the acceleration depends inversely upon the object's mass

Force, Mass, And the acceleration

Newton's second law is: an acceleration of an object that is being produced by a net force it is either that the net force is directly proportional to the magnitude of the net force and net force is proportional to the mass of the object

Relation of force to mass and acceleration

F=m x a 

This means that the mass needs a stronger force to be moved along with acceleration as an object with a small mass

Isaac Newton's First Law of Motion states, "A body at rest will remain at rest, and a body in motion will remain in motion unless it is acted upon by an external force." What, then, happens to a body when an external force is applied to it? That situation is described by Newton's Second Law of Motion. 
According to NASA, this law states, "Force is equal to the change in momentum per change in time. For a constant mass, force equals mass times acceleration." This is written in mathematical form as  F=ma

Thursday, September 5, 2019

How to create a mummy

Image result for mummification process
Related image

Steps on how to create a mummy

mummy is a body of a dead human or animal that has been ceremonially preserved by removing all the organs and wrapping it in a bandage

Step 1: removing the organs

 The body was placed in a table and they began to remove the organs from the body except for the heart or the. They then remove the brain from the nose for so they thought that the thoughts came to the brain. They then cut a hole near the tummy to remove all the internal organs including the intestine and the stomach. After removing all the organs they then put it into canopic jars

Step 2: The body was washed with wine and then covered with natron salt

After removing all the body parts from the body they then covered it with wine and spices. They then covered the corpse with natron salt and they let it sit ion 70 days. The natron salt was put to furthermore preserved the body

Step 3: The body was covered with line bandages
Related image
After the 40 days, They stuff it with linen or sand to give it a human shape. Then after 70 days they then wrap the body with linen from head to toe. They put liquid resin and sawdust to glue the linen over the body. Amulets were then placed between the layers of the bandages. These amulets have different meanings like the ankh for life. Then they put onion in the mummies' hand for health The process of all the wrappings took 15 days.

Image result for mummification process

Last step: They put the mummy in a sarcophagus

after all the process they then now put the mummy in a sarcophagus. Pharaohs in mummies were put in a sarcophagus

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Egyptian Inventions

Ancient Egyptian clocks
-The ancient Egyptians were the first one to divide a day into sections they used the shadows of the giant stones obelisk attached on the ground to tell the time of the day

Image result for ancient egyptian clocks
The shadow clock of the Egyptians was made from the obelisk stones the shadows of the stone was used
to identify the time

These clocks were, later on, be improved into smaller ones and as of today people
still used it to identify the time of the day. All people can identify the time with these

They also used water to identify the time
Image result for ancient egyptian clocks

the water clock or the clepsydra is used to identify the time by its water flow from a vessel and where the amount is
then measured

A water clock is consisted of a copper bowl holding two large floats
 in a larger bowl filled with water

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Stone age painting

Our paintings were meant to represent hinting and how the people in the stone age lived
The sand was gathered in new Brighton and they put a glue that allows the sand to be
glued on the walls and then they added
some red spray paints to make it more look like a cave
Image result for stone age art
The people in the Stone age thought that the painted animals were meant to represent the spirit of the animals
Some historians believed that the paintings on these caves were used for
religious meanings they were meant to represent powerful spirits

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Tech and Change

This timeline shows the evolution of phones and it also shows how phone evolved to the phone we used today
Phones have evolved from a big brick of phones that can on be only used in communication to our
easy to carry around phones to be used for everyday tasks
Our phones helped us achieved easy tasks and increases productivity 
This graph shows how people have become addicted to and glued to their phones and how many hours they use their phones in the span of 2 days between Saturday and Sunday
The other graph shows what is the most used device that people used mostly phones are the most used device in our class

Friday, August 9, 2019


Who is in your group? And what each person doing?
Henry- Piano
Jm- Guitar
JC- Guitar

What song have you chosen and why?
Tagalog music because we are comfortable in using our own language rather than English

Add a link to a song that you choose

What is the song about?
it' about a boy who loves a girl but that girl loves another boy but that boy hurts her

Which part of the song that you will be rehearsing first?
-probably the verse then the chorus

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

I don't like being a Filipno

I don't like being a "lowly Filipino. I don't like being called the lowest race of Asians. I don't like being short and having brown skin. I don't like having a low nose bridge. In short, I don't like being a Filipino.

The thing is I feel like my country has too many things to offer in Food, Beautiful sightings, and polite people. For me, adobo is like the best chicken dish I have ever tasted in my entire life. Adobo is a Filipino cuisine that involves a chicken that is marinated with vinegar and soy sauce. It is sometimes served with a bowl of good white rice. It is better to share and eat adobo with your family because it creates a strong bond within your family. 

In terms of Beautiful sightings, the Philippines have also many to offer. From the beaches of Boracay to the chocolate hills of Bohol. Boracay is a small island in the Philippines that has shining white sand that many people from around the world would pay to visit. According to the magazine, Travel+leisure Boracay is the best island in the world. Travel+leisure is a magazine that is based in new york that discusses traveling tips and a good place to spend a vacation. Chocolate Hills is a hill that is covered in green grass but turns into a chocolate-like color in the dry season. Hence it is called the chocolate hills of Bohol. But there are many more places to visit in the Philippines like the Puerto Princessa which is an underground river cave and the beautiful island of El Nido. For me, the Philippines is the best place to spend your vacation and travel.

Lastly the polite people, they said that there is no place like home but when you're in the Philippines you will feel like your home Because when you're in the Philippines you will be treated as a family. You will feel the warmth of your mother caring for you when you were little. You will feel the good atmosphere of having your family by your side. 

So why I don't like being a Filipino? I feel like my country is too good for me. I don't like being a Filipino I love it.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019


1. What is the purpose of the research part of our career unit
-To plan our career or job that we will take in the future and know how to budget your salary to your expenses

2. What career you were given 
-Real Estate Agent

a) take a photo of your sheet 

What are you working on now
a) budget= income, housing transport cost
 im working on budget

Thursday, July 25, 2019


I learned about how the aboriginals use the boomerang to hunt for their food and use it for defense
I have created myself a boomerang although my boomerang doesn't looked like what the aboriginals have used I think I did a pretty good job

Monday, July 22, 2019

1) Why do we look at street art? Why do we stop when we see it?
What is our reaction?
-Street art sometimes shows a social crisis that is happening around us.
When we look at street arts we become fascinated by how the art visualizes
a phenomenon. Sometimes street arts are either in the abstract that’s why
we have to stop to understand it’s meaning
2) Why do we need and use visual symbols around us?
-To indicate something or to identify something that can’t be seen.
We need to visualize it to understand it more
3) What are examples of common visual symbols in our environment?
(collect examples for the drawing - think about what you might be able to use in
making artworks later on as you do)


Thursday, June 27, 2019


Tuesday, June 25, 2019


Duty before self. You must keep your responsibility. Duty before everyone else.
You must set aside personal feelings for the good of many.
Sacrifice is a hard thing to do. Yet a sacrifice with a worth change
is the right thing to do. Even if this sacrifice will scar you.
Even if this sacrifice is cutting ties with those you love.

A leader’s responsibility is the biggest responsibility of all.
There is no time for yourself. You need to make the right decision or one wrong move
will be surely a fall of the ones that have been following you. In chapter 74 Inan set aside
his feelings for Zelie for the good of orisha. Just like many leaders in our world. They have
to set aside their personal space for the good of many. A leader has immense power and
this power should be used for the good of many.

This power can be easily misused. A power that is powerful that it can easily destroy one’s life.
People with a lot of power often misused theirs  
And use it for only themselves. 

They can easily step on a person that they don’t like.
Just like in chapter 66, Were king Saran uses his power because of his rage to majis and tries
to kill Zelie.

Being a leader is hard. There is immense power on your shoulders that you have to use for the
good of many. A good leader should make sacrifices for the good of the people. A leader has
many responsibilities.
Before committing an action we must think of it first. That’s what good leaders do.

----------------------------------------------------End of Essay------------------------------------------------------

Monday, June 24, 2019

Metals :)

what are you investigating?
-What will happen to the nails that have different compounds in it and left within tap water and different acids and bases if they are left for 3 days?

What do you think will happen?
-The nail will probably rust

what is corrosion?
-Metals are exposed to the environment they can deteriorate and break down

Friday, May 31, 2019

MOMO Challenge

My game called momo challenge is quite unique and rare from different games out there. This game is not only for entertainment but it also teaches you how life is such a great and beautiful gift that has been given to us and we need to cherish and care for it for we only live once and if we don't care for our life we will surely regret it in the future.

-The mechanics of this game are simple and easy to understand anyone with a proper understanding of how a game works and proper knowledge of understanding will be able to play this game easily. The sphero will dictate a simple task that anyone will be able to do. They have to do it in less than 10 seconds or the game for them will be over and they won't be able to play again until the game restarts. They have to wait until all of the players present in the game are out except for the one who properly did all the tasks that the sphero has given out for them.

I used the codes in blocks 2 which uses the if/then, Else block. I took the toss game as an example of my momo challenge. Since the toss game's mechanics is guessing the sound of animals when you pass it to the next person my game is like that but rather than animal sounds the sphero will dictate deadly tasks. The code is like it but instead of the block "speak random animal" the block "speak and wait"
is the block that I substituted and put on deadly taks

I learned many things :)


Acid Rain
rainfall made so acidic by atmospheric pollution that it causes environmental harm, chiefly to forests and lakes. The main cause is the industrial burning of coal and other fossil fuels, the waste gases from which contain sulfur and nitrogen oxides which combine with atmospheric water to form acids.

Image result for acid rain
when fossil fuels are burned chemicals like carbon dioxide and sulfur oxide escapes into the air these molecules dissolves in the water in the clouds and make the rainwater more acidic than normal 

Causes of acid rain
Acid rain is caused by a chemical reaction that begins when compounds like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are released into the air.

Effects of acid rain
Effects of acid rain are most clearly seen in aquatic environments, such as streams, lakes, and marshes where it can be harmful to fish and other wildlife

Because nitrogen oxides are created in the process of burning coal and other fossil fuels, some power plants are changing the way they burn coal. A great way to reduce acid rain is to produce energy without using fossil fuels. Instead, people can use renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power.